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BBC wildlife presenter's naked Malta rampage revealed! Did popular naturalist bare all to disrupt bird hunters? Tabloid alleges BBC nature programmes promoting naturism with calendar featuring presenters in provocative nude poses with animals!
Low budget film director's use of Syrian conflict for filming war movie raises fears of unscrupulous film makers prolonging and agitating conflicts to produce cheap action footage. Astounding claims that World War Two extended by two years for benefit of Hollywood studios! Was Vietnam War staged by CBS?
Paranormal Investigator, Exorcist and Agony Aunt The Reverend Leonard Fanny advises readers on their supernatural problems. This time, a reader fears 'fire down below' during sex thanks to her pyrokinetic powers. Can the Rev help?
Incredible claims that attacker who used car as weapon actually militant motorist dedicated to taking back the streets for drivers. TV producers deny anti road safety agenda of motoring shows inspire automotive terrorism.
Islamic State joins Prime Minister in condemning 'sick and depraved' Westminster terror attack by militant sexual deviants. Sex-based outrage sees naked man trying to batter way into Parliament with erect penis and groups of deviants performing exotic sex acts in front of commuters on Westminster Bridge.
Did Trump's CIA hacked TV capture footage of president pleasuring himself to TV programme? Experts fear presidential 'sex video' could now be in hands of Wikileaks. Did Nigel Farage visit Julian Assange in attempt to retrieve video on behalf of Trump?
Are senior Labour party figures secretly planning to replace Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson with robots? Leadership 'upgrade' seen as essential after trials show mechanical leadership more charismatic and popular with voters.
You’d think that five days spent in bed would represent some kind of paradise. Particularly to someone like me, who enjoys their bed. But when it is enforced by illness, it quickly becomes a kind of Hell. Having spent the better part of what was meant to be a week off of work largely confined to bed thanks to a cold which just wouldn’t let go, I can honestly say that it ruins the bed experience.
Experts warn that within years robots will be able to carry out any human job. Where next for humanity, as even robot beggars predicted for near future?
Is Trump adviser Steve Bannon actually a tramp? Does Trump throttle vagrants to death with his bare hands? Meet the man who manufactures such 'alternative facts' in the name of political balance.
Corbyn unveils plans to combat British vegetable famine, whilst government denies plans for rationing and powdered vegetables. Greens welcome proposals to turn whole UK into giant market garden.
Parents shocked as second hand video game turns out to be Jihadi suicide bomber simulator. Warnings that charity shops could be flooded with used virtual terrorism games simulating JIhadist attacks.
Legitimate sporting challenge or misogynistic titillation? TV executive defends ‘Extreme Breast Feeding’, a newly televised ‘extreme sport’ against charges of sexism and objectification of women.
Was George Michael Murdered by News Media Conspiracy to boost Christmas News Ratings? Top Conspiracy Theorist Claims Queen also on media 'Hit List'.
Jeremy Corbyn to enter 'Britain's Got Talent' as part of new media strategy. Advisers believe Labour Leader's musical fruit act will demonstrate his populist appeal.
Right now, my inbox is just full of people making demands of me. What is it with the constant attempts to get you to give 'feedback' on everything you do online, every site you visit. When did the web become so needy?
Should convicted criminals who die before they've completed their sentences be brought back from the grave to finish their punishment? Newspaper suggests voodoo be employed to bring back as zombies offenders attempting to cheat justice through death.
Major UK Terror Alert After Hijacked Santa's Sleigh Crashes into Shoppers at German Market. Was Driver Part of Group Trying to Drive Out European Xmas Traditions in Favour of British Yule-tide Celebrations?
Is Right Wing News Site's Xmas Appeal Encouraging Followers to Throw Bricks at Homeless? Editor Claims he's Merely Trying to Provide Rough Sleepers with Means to Build Own Homes.
Man Punches Out Salvation Army Officer for Wishing Him an Unsolicited 'Happy Christmas'. So Called 'Man Who Hates Christmas' Plans to Sabotage Yuletide by Poisoning Supermarket Seasonal Foodstuffs with own Excrement.