Check Please!
My wife and I have been together for over a decade, and people regularly comment on what a great couple we seem to be together. They then ask how we do it. It’s not one thing, but since this is a Top 12 list, I might just have space to share some advice to explain how we’ve kept it together and real for those of you looking to roll this Valentine’s Day into a successful franchise.
Many of the same people who relish in boasting about how awesome America is also claim that many seemingly highly beneficial goals are too hard to accomplish, even though these very objectives have already been accomplished by less awesome countries.
We all need to take a moment and thank the students of Mizzou for ushering in this important moment of change. By banding together against the oppressive media incursion and blocking other people’s First Amendment rights in favor of their own, I’m pretty sure that marked the end of this generation’s P.C. cycle.

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