fiorinaWASHINGTON D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles®) – Politics is not politics without scandals.  This scandal is about what appears to be a short-lived affair between Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz, Republican presidential candidates both.

No, it’s not what you’re thinking.  No romance is involved — at least none that we know of.

Rather, it is an unusual $500,000 donation made by one of Cruz’s super PACs to Fiorina’s campaign.

Even the Federal Election Commission (FEC)  has no clue on why the donation was made by Cruz to a rival candidate. The super PAC was  vague about the donation, describing it on its FEC filing as “other disbursement.” So, the FEC sent a letter to the super PAC asking for a statement or description of the disbursement.

Many questions remain unanswered. Does the donation mean that Cruz, if chosen the party’s nominee for president,  will pick Fiorina for his vice presidential running mate?  But what about if Fiorina wins the nomination?  Will Cruz ask for a payback by being named Fiorina’s VP?

But then again, it might just be a gentlemanly gesture by Cruz in appreciation for the efforts of the lone woman candidate in a field of 37 Republican presidential candidates.  Chivalry may, after all, still be alive.

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