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Taliban Swiftly Takes Over Afghanistan with Threats of Violence

In a takeover the swiftness of which few saw coming, the Taliban recaptured control of Afghanistan this week using threats of violence.

Reacting to the Taliban's return to power less than one month after the US left the country's defense in the hands of Afghani forces, locals lamented the inevitability of their defeat.

"There was nothing that could be done. The Taliban had guns and would use them against people who tried to stop them. It was extremely dangerous," one man said.

In one battle outside of Kabul in recent days, it was reported that a squadron of Taliban fighters actually opened fire on a battalion of Afghanis assigned to defend the capitol, forcing them to abandon their weapons and flee.

"Suddenly there bullets were flying everywhere. One even hit a tree not so far from where my friend was sitting. It was very distressing," one soldier described.

Though the majority of Afghanis oppose strict Islamic rule of their country, one summed up their reconciliation to it succinctly.

"Well, what are you going to do?" he said.

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