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While fake satire sites were embarrassing themselves repeating the same unfunny, self-revealing screeds about Mr. Trump, we saw him for what he was...the man with the only chance of turning back the tides of neo-Marxism and of uniting this majestic nation and making it great again, again.
That's what happens when we don't stop apologizing. St. Augustine gives way to a pink-haired fourth-wave feminist writing about the oppressiveness of her menstrual cycle.
Four years after its last mayoral race was decided by a single vote, the town of Felicity, California, population 2, looks to be headed for a legal battle to determine it's next municipal leader.
Are Democrats planning to use trick or treating kids to scare Donald Trump to death this Halloween? Right-wing commentator claims to have uncovered evil leftist plot for children in terrifying masks and costumes to keep knocking on White House door and enrage President into fatal heart attack.
Did Donald Trump secretly finance Antifa and Black Lives Matter in order to ferment social unrest and rally extreme right in his support? Incredible conspiracy claims made by journalist as some Trump supporters question fairness not just of mail in votes, but secret ballots in general.
Have experimental Covid treatments turned Donald Trump into ravening beast? Top scientists express fears that side effects from untested drugs could have transformed President into troglodyte, flesh hungry cannibal eating his way through White House staff or, worse, a black man. Supporters fear the worst.
TUCSON, AZ - A flaming dumpster made an appearance at Tucson International Airport this afternoon, serving as the centerpiece of a mass gathering designed apparently to spread COVID-19 to as many Arizonians as possible.
For many, the product of a complex collision of primitive instinct, emotion and intellectual rationalization during these trying times has compelled them to want to continue to socialize with friends and family, but at a safe distance. If the above describes yourself accurately, the following are tips that might help you have the type of gathering that will at once satisfy and frustrate these fractured and contradictory needs combining to determine your life choices.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, New York Bureau) - Minutes after U,S. President Donald Trump walked out on Lesley Stahl, CBS announced it was renaming its news magazine show “60 MINUTES” to “37 MINUTES” Trump abruptly ended the interview 37 minutes or so into the taping after he accused Stahl of “asking tough…
Arguing that no law exists that explicitly prohibits the attachment of animals to ballot receptacles, the party has claimed that the large, threatening reptile is a necessary protection against voter fraud in the predominantly liberal neighborhood.
Calling such a repeal of federal laws that prohibit the sale and possession of methamphetamines "long overdue", Trump heralded the drug's users as "real Americans".
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Surging coronavirus cases in many areas of the United States may make it unwise to hold large family gatherings at Thanksgiving this year, particularly if elderly relatives or out-of-state travel are involved, Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert, told “CBS Evening News” on Wednesday. “You may have…
Golly gee! What is it with people?! Its the same at my house! Flies everywhere because no one can keep the jaywalking screen door closed! And its not that hard! You walk out the door and you shut it behind you! How complicated is that?! It takes two seconds!
Despite still being in the critical stages of his fight against a COVID-19 infection, President Trump summoned his cabinet and various other staff to his hospital room at Walter Reed Medical Center this morning for an emergency meeting, before forgetting what it was he wanted to discuss.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - He’s called it the ‘China virus,’ downplayed its impact on Americans, and refused to acknowledge or endorse health protocols surrounding this pandemic that has so far killed over 200,000 Americans. Over the weekend, the coronavirus has tested positive for Donald Trump. Is change coming to The White…
Dressed in a cowboy hat and boots, the uncharacteristically disconsolate Trump spoke in a gravelly voice resembling that of John Dutton - the main character in the Kevin Costner drama Yellowstone, of which he is apparently a fan - in describing his plan to resolve his financial obligations with the sale of 50,000 acres of fictional land for $500 million to Market Equities, a make believe real estate development company.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Donald Trump has made it clear in some of his public statements that he will refuse to recognize the results of November’s U.S. Presidential elections if he loses. This means, of course, that Trump will not vacate The While House even when his term expires in January. But…
Morrison earned that one by writing three of the most dunderheaded anti-lockdown songs imaginable...songs so wretched, oblivious, and dumb that a sober man would be tempted to think Sir Van's been gargling with the firewater again.
Adding to her impressive legacy on the bench and as a civil rights attorney while living, the undead Ginsburg traversed the 4.5 mile distance between her grave and the SCOTUS courthouse in a little over five hours, evidently with the intention of reclaiming her position there at least throughout the upcoming election.
President Trump blamed Antifa for Hurricane Sally and other tropical storms that have wreaked devastation across the Gulf Coast region this year, claiming the left-wing group is in possession of a weather machine.

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